Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas everyone! Hopefully your Christmas was as grand as mine: I got a dishwasher leaving me all sorts of time to sew! We sewed all day yesterday and managed to get the quilt top together... which lead Mom to ask "Why haven't you gotten more posts up on that blog" and me answering "Umm..." so here we go.

We finally got working on some blocks. 

And before we knew it we had blocks made!

Ok, to be fair, it wasn't before we knew it. These blocks took forever to make: about 6-8 hours a block. Which was a little insane. So, to be more realistic, eventually, after what seemed like eons, we had blocks.

This block that Mom made made 8 hours seem like a snap. She took beading off of one of the dresses and inserted it into the blocks- however, she had to take off the beads wherever seams were, and make sure that each piece had the same beading on it... it took forever.

The rest of us were not as insane, and made blocks from Thursday afternoon until Sunday afternoon, working from 7 or 8 in the morning until 10 of 11 at night. Granny complained that I was running a sweat shop.

She also proclaimed that while, back in her day she might have had to cut fabric out of old clothes to make quilts, but now you could just go to a store and get it. So why on earth were we going to all this work?

But of course, her blocks turned out even if she had to make them out of old dresses. Mine on the other hand....

These are the blocks that we managed to get finished at retreat, all up on the design board.

The quilt top is together now, thanks to a sewing day in my mom's studio: stay tuned to find out what happened there!

Later days!
